As one of the hottest Mexican American film actresses of all time, Salma Hayek is known for having an amazing curve that sells movie tickets.
Yes, her gorgeous face and busty frame has landed her numerous blockbuster roles causing some fans to wonder if plastic surgery was the key to her Hollywood success.
Of course, these rumors were never proven.
Now that Salma is in her 50s, I simply cannot ignore the signs anymore.
This woman is ageless and if that’s not enough, her body looks even bustier than before!
Before & After Photos
There has to be a reason for everything, even for a goddess. So I compared and reviewed as many pictures as I could. Here’s what I found.
Has Salma Hayek had a boob job?

The million dollar question – Are her boobs real or fake?
I really wanted to back her up here. I really do, but if a picture is worth a thousand words, then I guess I’m done.
The cleavage is besides the point, it’s her cup size that’s making all the headlines. Salma Hayek’s breasts have clearly gained a few sizes here.
And it doesn’t look like she has put on much weight either so breast implants may be the only explanation here.
Your thoughts?
Did Salma have a nose job?

There’s been talks about Salma getting a nose job before she stepped foot onto Hollywood. So, I did the above comparison to see if this was true.
The top left picture was taken when she was still an unknown star in Mexico. From what I can see, there isn’t much difference to her nose shape. The bridge and the tip look identical so I doubt she got her nose done.
Did Hayek get botox injections?

Apparently, Hispanic woman age really well and that might explain why Salma is looking so good at her age.
You can hardly see any wrinkles on her face and even the fine lines are exactly just that, fine!
While her cheeks does look plumper in the after shot, I put that down to makeup rather than botox. She’s truly blessed in the skin department and I believe she’s YEARS away from even considering a facelift, that’s if she’ll ever need one.
What more can I say?
Everyone on this woman’s face looks natural. However, I couldn’t say the same about her body. I’m guessing she had an augmentation procedure and the result is amazing!
Of course she has breast implants; she has had them changed multiple times.
How do I know? I am elderly now, however by the time I was aged 15 at five foot 2 inches I had full 34C breasts, round and firm. I didn’t need a bra until I reached age 68. This is unique I know, and in my case, it is genetics. My father’s sisters were the same. I know what natural breasts look like, and Hayek certainly does not have them. Raquel Welch and Sophia Loren (in her day) both had NATURAL FULL ROUND breasts. Compare their photos with Hayek…it’s a JOKE.
As a youngster I had a cousin through marriage who was in her early 20s, not overweight but extremely buxom. Looking back, she was a double D or better. My mother admired her figure, but she said to my mother, no, my breast so too big, they hang, I can lift them over my shoulder. I never forgot that because it sounded so shocking, I was only about ten years old at the time.
In my youth I had a girlfriend that I took trips with. She was quite the traffic stopper, exceptionally pretty, in bikini looked sensational. But she also had a big problem. Great figure, great legs, she was a 34 DD naturally, (this was before implants) Her problem was without a bra her breasts dropped to her waist. LITERALLY. She was in her late 20s. I never saw her topless, but in a dressing gown she was TOTALLY FLAT, her heavy breasts hung low to her waist, No Exaggeration. (it was really sad) I was shocked and told her she needed to do something about it. If I remember correctly, she said the change happened after she gave birth.
So this Salma Hayek makes me sick. I cannot stand liars. If Hayek’s breasts were natural, they would absolutely be hanging past her waist. No doubt about it. She is a liar. My friend from my youth had to put double pads in the bottom portion of her bra to lift her breasts to a normal position.
Moreover, if one compares photos of Hayek from when she first emerged to present, you will see not only the different size implants, but the cheek, jaw, and chin implants, the nose refining, and lip enhancing. Years ago, Hayek had a thin longish face, now her face is much wider, the entire lower portion of her face has been surgically changed. She actually looks decades younger now with the face implants, than she looked 20 years ago. Her facial implants work is excellent, it gave a plan jane an attractive face. I know this type of work was successfully done decades ago in South America, and now it seems USA doctors are catching up. Salma Hayek is a totally surgical creation, all extraordinarily well done, except for the massive breast implants.
I cannot stand Salma Hayek because she is a pathological liar. How dare she insult people’s intelligence with her lies.
“Elder” woman above is truly triggered, lol.
Salma has clarified that her breast did grow up, due to menopause, which is possible but not very common.